Monday, 24 September 2012

Back in the marina

So we made it back to the marina yesterday having had a pleasant last couple of weeks. When we left Warwick the intention had been to come directly back to the marina but the weather was at last looking as though it was improving so we took a bit of a detour and turned south on to the Oxford canal and went down to Napton and on to Fenny Compton. The south Oxford canal is very rural and meanders tremendously (I think it may have been a side line for Slartibartfast after his success with the Norwegian Fiord's- see Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy for explanation!)

We stayed a night at Napton on the way out and two nights on the way back; a very pleasant mooring and delightful village not to mention the very characterful pub "The Folly" with exceptional helpings of food - think Desperate Dan size pies.

We had arranged to meet Ben and Jenny (our son and Daughter in law) for the final leg back from Braunston to Yelvertoft so moored at Braunston on  Friday. We collected the anchor we had ordered ready for next years trip which will include some river work and then had a meal at The Boathouse with B & J ready to set off the next day to the marina. Saturday dawned a beautiful crisp Autumn day and we soon decided that we should enjoy it to the full so moored up above Watford staircase locks rather than go all the way home. It was one of the few occasions through out the summer where we have been able to sit out on the towpath and proved a great way to end our trip.

Sunday dawned grey but dry in the morning so we set off fairly early to get back to the marina and made it by 11.30 about an hour before the rain commenced so good timing for once. We then had lunch in the marina and I took B & J  back to their car in Braunston. I was amazed to find that our car started on the first turn of the key having been standing outside all this time - at least the first turn after I remembered that I had to have my foot on the brake to let the ignition work. It then took a while to find the light switch but I found I could still remember how to drive!

So ends our first summer on the cut. We plan to spend the rest of this week (weather permitting) tiding up the boat - its inevitable with narrow boating that you sustain scratches and marks below the gunnel's going through locks etc - and then back to Bungay.

We are already planing next year with the Kennet and Avon being the starting point and a visit to Bath.

See you all soon.

Gatehouse from 1613 at Wormleighton

Napton on the Hill

Napton church

Methinks I took a wrong turn somewhere!

Napton on the Hill

Monday, 10 September 2012

A super break in Warwick

The weather was really kind to us at last and we have just had a super 5 night break in Warwick moored on the Saltisford Arm which takes you to within a 15 minute walk of the town centre.

On our first day there we had a general walk around the town and went to see if the castle was worth a visit. When we saw the entry fee we weren't quite so sure at £22.80 per head. It was a bit cheaper for us oldies but even so we were considering whether to bother when a couple came up to us and gave us a spare voucher they had for half price entry - we must have looked needy - so although we couldn't also take advantage of the OAP rate we did think a look would be worthwhile, so the following day we had a look around. Its fascinating how much of it is left - Bungay eat your heart out- but it has been modernised in the main areas being what I would describe as more stately home than castle and also its very "theme park" like, guys demonstrating shooting bows and arrows, a tower for "Princes and Princess ages 3 - 8" etc. Worth half price entry but I don't think I would go again.

In our walk around the town Sarah found a quilting shop and whist browsing in it discovered that they had a workshop of some description on the Saturday so she signed up for that and had a great time whilst I wandered around town taking a few photographs.

At the weekend it was the Saltisford Arm Canal Trusts open days and so they had  a number of stalls there and that was an interesting diversion.

We then left this morning Monday to be met by a return to our normal weather - rain and wind - and started to wend our way back to Yelvertoft.

This evening we received notification from BW/CRT that the flight of locks at Watford had been closed today until further notice for emergency repairs and that they were having to drain the canal so whether we will be able to get back when we expected we don't known. Watch this space.

Misty morning on Warwick racecourse

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Time for a holiday

 I know I have only been posting once a week (and sometimes less) but I have now had my knuckles wrapped for not keeping the blog up to date twice so thought I'd try to do better. Funnily enough both parties chiding me have had police connections so perhaps I'd better do as I'm told!

We have completed our journey to Warwick and arrived here today (Wednesday) around lunchtime. We have had a great couple of days coming down the Grand Union and through all the locks and have met some great boaters.

Yesterday we came down 15 Stockton locks with NB Lysander, Cathy, Nigel and their daughter Helen. It was great to have the help especially as Helen was a very fit young lady who was running between locks to get them set up for us. It was also quite a coincidence as Cathy and Nigel had recently purchased their boat, an Aqualine (the same make as our old boat) from New and Used Boat Co (where we bought ours) and are mooring it at Blisworth (where our old boat was moored). We said goodbye to them after these 15 locks as they were travelling on but caught up with them again at the moorings outside Tesco today and then again when they had stopped for water at the Cape of Good Hope - (not that one!)

They were then going to attack the Hatton flight so we wished them well and we are now moored on the Saltisford Arm in Warwick. This arm has been restored by volunteers over the last 25 years and is now run by a trust. We are about 10 minutes walk from the centre of Warwick so plan to spend 5 or 6 nights here to explore the town and stay for the weekend celebrations they have planned. A bit of a holiday before we set off back to our home marina.

Monday, 3 September 2012

At last - some good weather

Today (Monday) has been the most beautiful day, sunny not too hot but hot enough to sit out on the towpath, and the last couple of days have been good too.

We are now on the Grand Union canal on our way to Warwick. Last week we spent wandering down towards Braunston as we were meeting up again with John and Louise for a meal there over the weekend. Nothing of great import happened during the week other than the day we came up the lock flight (11 locks) at Atherstone it poured so hard that we were both soaked even through our waterproofs.

We arrived at Braunston late morning on Saturday and went and did some shopping for the boat and ordered an anchor which we will need next year when we finally find our way on to some rivers. We also spoilt ourselves by sitting by a lock eating ice creams and watching others struggle with the lock gates at Braunston locks.

That evening John and Louise arrived on their way back towards their base on the Trent and Mersey and we had another fun meal with them and then on the Sunday morning set off down the south Oxford on our way to Warwick. Its the first time we had been on this stretch of the Oxford and it has a very different feel to it and lovely views of rolling Northamptonshire countryside. I really think Northamptonshire is a very underrated county, its just a shame that it is crisscrossed by so many major roads and railway lines.

We set off this morning with the intention of doing half of the locks on the way to Warwick which would have been 12 but we met another couple to share the locks with (who also happened to be Border owners) and as they were breaking their journey after the first three to take on water and a pump out and as the temperature was rising we decided to call it a day after 3 locks and adjourn to the pub for a swift half instead.

Tomorrow is forecast to be warm but not sunny so we might well try to get through all remaining 20 locks but we'll see.

Only one photo this week - seems I have been a bit remiss on that front.

Braunston Church about 10.30pm after returning from our meal. The line across the photo is a vapour trail