.....if we didn't have the weather?
Its been the main point of discussion with every boater we meet. Since our last post we have had quite a mixture. After the train ride we travelled just a few hours the following day to moor up to visit Dadlington village and more importantly the Dog and Hedgehog for lunch. If you are ever in the area do give it a visit, not the most extensive of menus but an absolutely brilliant meal, not cheap but reasonably priced for the quality and a great atmosphere and a very personable mine host.
We had an eye on the weather when we walked up to the pub over the fields but arrived dry and although we had some rain whilst eating our lunch we walked back in the dry too but it didn't last.
The following day we travelled on to Hinkley where we had to visit a pet shop to get some special food for Tansie who is on a diet due to her problem stomach. It was quite a trek into town and although downhill on the way back carrying 6kg of dog food was not helpful!
We didn't want to stay on the mooring we had so moved down to Bridge 15 which just happened to have a pub next to it. It also happened to have "Button End" moored there too. This boat we had been playing leap frog with since Market Bosworth on our way up and we had had a conversation with Kate and Marc in the pub at Snarestone. Friday was forecast to be a very wet and especially windy day and wind and a narrowboat don't mix as they are flat bottomed so very susceptible to cross winds. So we had decided to stay put. Marc and Kate were going to move on but the allure of a pub meal and a few jars with us meant that they decided to stay too and we had a very pleasant lunch in the pub.
Moving off the following morning it was difficult to believe that it was/is June (see below) but unbelievably by the afternoon the sun was out and the temperature must have risen 10 degrees. We wanted to go through Nuneaton fairly early on Sunday morning (lying in time for the yobs) so moored near the end of the Ashby for the night. Sunday morning was a pure joy. We started off about 7.30 in bright warm sunshine and Sarah brought me a crispy bacon sandwich and a cup of tea for breakfast on the move - heaven!!
We moored up early just south of Hartshill and had a super walk with the dogs over the fields to Caldecoat and then back to the pub we just happened to be moored near for a couple of drinks before lunch.
We had wanted to be in this area as we had arranged for a TV engineer to call to try to discover what was wrong with the satellite system, not having got a lot of help from the company we bought it from. He duly arrived and found that it appears to be the cable which runs internally from the cratch to the TV cupboard which could be a bit unfortunate as I have no idea how they can repair/replace that but at least we can now get a TV picture by running a wire straight from the dish to the receiver.
Today has been a long day. we were in desperate need of reprovisioning, the fridge being totally empty so another early start this time in cloudy conditions to get to Atherstone and a supermarket. The town is quite a pleasant one and we found most of what we wanted, borrowed the supermarket trolley to bring it back to the boat - I must have chosen the worst one in the line, no way would it be pushed in a straight line so we ended up pulling it - and after a hurried bacon sandwich for lunch set off to go down the flight of 11 locks. That's when it started to rain and the waterproof outfits were given a real test. We managed the flight in two and a half hours as we were lucky that there were quite a few boats coming in the opposite direction so had most of the locks set right for us. As soon as we were through the last we moored up, I took the dogs for a quick walk whilst Sarah got the fire going and we dried out. Tomorrow depends on the weather, if its fine as forecast we will travel on - no locks now for ages - if its wet we will stay put and enjoy the comforts of a home fire!
NB This post should have gone up yesterday but for some reason I couldn't upload the photos so its a day late.
Yes this really is June |
Hoddy on the Ashby |
Saying goodbye to the Ashby |
Heaven on Sunday morning |
Teazle choosing lunch |
The British Waterways bulding at Hartshill Yard |